About Me

Wellness is the integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.

Pages That changed a Life


There once was a girl who was about, doing her Saturday morning chores when she came to the gross task of cleaning her brothers’ bedroom.

Since this was the busy time of year and the boys were out working on the farm, it fell upon the sisters to collect their laundry, change their sheets, pick up their empty Mountain Dew cans or dried snacks left on the dresser.

On this particular day, this young naïve sister was changing the sheets and making the bed.  While tucking in the sheets, her hand hit something tucked deep between the mattresses.

  “What in the world!  Who would put a magazine there?”

Little did she know how much her life was about to change.

That magazine.     Those pictures.     In her almost twelve years of living, she had never seen such pictures.

Those women.     She had never seen such women.

The beauty.    The pages filled with soft curves,  perfect bodiesperfectly flowing hair, … little or no clothing.     So much skin! 

A moral reaction, years of Christian upbringing, and pre-pubescent thoughts filled her mind.

This is not right, private parts should be kept private and only married people are supposed to be seeing this”, she thought.

“Ahh, so this is what a “bad girl” is!”

But still…something made her keep looking.    Kept her turning and unfolding the pages,   changing the angle of the magazine.   Thinking.   Wondering.  Then it hit her.

“Brothers, why are you looking at these pictures? 

I will never be able to look at you the same, now that I know your secret”, she concluded.

What is this private world of men and women?

Is this what it means to be a man… a woman?

Is this what men expect or want a woman to be?

Is this the best that women are supposed to offer the world?

“What about me?     What do I have to offer?”, she struggled.

Then, she looked down at her skinny frame and very, very flat chest.  She saw her pasty-white freckled skin,    flaming red hair, and   buggy-blue eyes reflected in the nearby mirror, signalling her that she was painfully ill-equipped to meet this beauty and body challenge.

And probably never will be,” she told herself.

Next, she looked at the framed family picture including both parents and twelve children hanging on the wall.   She told herself she would never be wealthy or able to have “the best” of anything, or at least any of the kinds of possessions or education that bring attention or position.

“What can I do then?       How can I contribute? ”    

Since no one will want me for the usual things that are supposed to be important in the world; beauty, body, wealth, position, or prestigious credentials, where will I find a place?

What do I have to offer?”

At that moment, she realized she did have something to offer; something she could share.  She found a purpose   and   a way to contribute   that   doesn’t require beauty or affluence. A talent that is welcome and appreciated …all the time, …by all people, …and can be shared every day.  Something that she would always have plenty of and that would never run out.

Merrily realized she could be kind.


I have always been very thankful for the day, the pages, and the purpose I discovered on that day so long ago.  Well, actually, I believe it was more of a revelation or calling than a discovery.

Understanding the power and importance…and the on-going need for kindness in the world has made for a rich and rewarding life of meaning.  It is at this point in my life, that I plan to create my own “Pages to Change a Life” by writing.

Through books, blogs, even magazines, or programs I create for my business, POWER & POLISH CONSULTING, I hope to help others to look beyond limits and circumstances to find the possible and the powerful.  Whether as an individual, member of a community, or part of a corporation, limits and circumstances create the environments we find ourselves in  but they don’t determine the path or the journey’s outcome.  Overcoming these limits, obstacles, or setbacks requires living with intention, knowing oneself, knowing and developing an understanding of virtues, ethics, and one’s own principles and passions.  What I call  Authentic Courage©. Kindness is still a great place to start.

Merrily is excited about this new adventure of blogging through Authentic Courage and all that it entails. Mainly the possibility and opportunity to influence or inspire others in positive ways and a deep and humble love for God is at the heart of this endeavor.  May all efforts be blessed and fruitful.

Responses and hearing from readers who demonstrate, appreciate, or sometimes struggle with their own authentic courage are welcome and appreciated.


Most Sincerely,

Merrily Bjerkestrand

Etiquette Consultant

Merrily Bjerkestrand

Merrily Bjerkestrand has taught at all levels of Special Education for the past twenty years. She recently resigned a full time teaching position to grow and develop her business, Power & Polish Consulting, and to pursue a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Gonzaga University.
She loves books and reading, especially non-fiction, pursuing the beauty of nature and creation, and working in her keyhole garden. She appreciates art, restoring or repurposing vintage or antique handcrafted items or treasures. She enjoys exercise, yoga, meditation, dancing and music even if she is not adept at any. Her grown children, grandchildren, and family are a continual source of inspiration and amazement. Merrily considers herself a Christian Philosopher; not just a lover of wisdom but of one fascinated by the wonder and mystery of a created world. She loves animals, children, and laughter. Merrily currently lives in Spokane, Washington with her husband, Wray.